Interlink Counseling Services
Biographical Info
**Harmony House Residential Treatment**
Clients assigned to Harmony House participate in an intensive, 3 to 6 month recovery program. During this period, clients do not have employment outside of Interlink. They attend daily education sessions on chemical dependency, relapse prevention, and specific life skills. Stabilization of physical and mental health issues is the objective for these residents along with a focus on accepting their level of addiction. Intensive case management supports their journey toward a stable recovery lifestyle. Upon completion, most Harmony House clients are enrolled in the Genesis House Transitional Living Center Phase II program.
**Genesis House Transitional Living**
Genesis House offers transitional housing for up to 24 months. Clients in Genesis House have access to similar education programs like Harmony House clients, but they receive classes over a longer period of time; many Genesis House clients hold jobs off-campus. Life skills education sessions focus on reintegration with classes that include budget planning, anger management, coping skills, self-worth, goal setting, relationships, and others that assist clients in achieving self-sufficiency. While in Genesis House, relapse prevention sessions help clients identify specific triggers that can lead to setbacks in their recovery. Chemical dependency oriented education seeks to reinforce what each resident has learned about himself and his addiction. Small group and counseling sessions are held after work hours so that ongoing issues are addressed as they arise, which further ensures stability and long-term sobriety. When the clients have completed their rehabilitation, they move into
permanent housing within the community. However, they still have an established aftercare plan for follow-up case management in place.